Labor ( Day

Labor day is finally upon us, the official last hurrah of summer! BBQs, picnics, parks, swimming and being outside are great ways to celebrate. It’s a time for reflecting on the great summer that has come to pass, and the amazing autumn that is before us.

I for one, and extremely excited for autumn, as it is my FAVORITE season. My two favorite holidays, Halloween and Thanksgiving, are the highlights of this season, as is stepping on brilliantly hued crunchy leaves while taking a walk in the crisp weather. Coats, layers, boots, and scarves all start to make an appearance. Hair becomes darker and richer, the summery highlights no longer needed. I was particularly thankful this past summer was not one of the hot ones, and I got to enjoy autumnal temperatures unseasonably early, but there is nothing like the bite to the air that can only be found in November. Living in Northern California, we don’t get to experience all of the seasons in their purest form, but we do get a spectacular autumn, however short-lived it may be, wedged in between the dry, dusty summer and the wet, cold winter. Welcome, the most glorious season of autumn!

Some of my favorite things about autumn:

Celebrating birthdays! Lots of friends, family and my hubby all have fall birthdays

Planning a Halloween/birthday party with Billy and Fraggle

Dressing up!!!!!


Way too much yummy Thanksgiving food

Brightly colored foliage

Crisp bite in the air

Stepping on crunchy leaves


Halloween and autumn decorations, EVERYWHERE!

Layering my clothes

Scarves and mittens

First rain storms

Summer vacation, Addy style

This week, I was blessed with a vacation while the kiddos visit their grandparents in Montana. So, instead of running away to a tropical locale, taking a hike, or leaving town, I spent the week relaxing at home watching old movies, hanging out with Billy <3, sitting in the sun, baking yummy new treats, rearranging furniture,  and having girly time.

Monday, I started the week off by retiring to my “office”- the chaise lounge section of my couch- with my laptop glued to my fingers and started working on a bunch of blogs for the upcoming weeks. I want to be posting more frequently, with blogs that have more to do with hair, makeup and fashion, something a little more relevant to my blog title. I’m starting a new weekly (hopefully) posting called Inspired by, where I will pick something that is inspiring me recently, or something I am in love with at the moment. I also want to post more recent work, so weddings I have snapped pictures at, any film or photo shoots I might have gotten to play on, that sort of thing. I hope you are as excited for what’s to come as I am! Of course I will still maintain posting my random thoughts, food, and fitness, I can’t get away from that!